Anchorage Opera Foundation


Opera Lover? Anchorage Opera Lover?
If so, you will want to know that there is now a new way to support the long-term sustainability of the Anchorage Opera. The Anchorage Opera Foundation is a separate and independent 501(c)3 corporation whose sole mission is to support the long-term fiscal health of the Anchorage Opera.

The Anchorage Opera Foundation is seeking major gifts to establish permanent endowments, the principal of which can be restricted in perpetuity.
• A gift of $25,000 is required to initiate a named fund.
• Smaller amounts can be donated to a general endowment and can also be permanently restricted.
• Foundation by-laws ensure that donor wishes are permanently honored.

To explore the possibility of supporting the Anchorage Opera Foundation, please contact Ben Robinson, General Director, Anchorage Opera, at

To make an ONLINE contribution CLICK HERE

The Foundation is governed by a Board of up to nine directors, the majority of which are community trustees. The Anchorage Opera Foundation is an appropriate vehicle for planned giving and legacy bequests. Before making a gift, please consult your own financial advisor.

Directors of the Anchorage Opera Foundation:

David Braun President
Shannon Jones Vice President
Deborah Lamb Treasurer / Secretary
Don Endres
Peter House

James Johnston
Audrey (Aviva) Lewis
David Pritchard